I Bag Your Pardon - A Blog About Bags & Travel — travel

How to Plan a Road Trip – 10 Things to Consider to Make it Awesome

road trip travel travel hacks

How to Plan a Road Trip – 10 Things to Consider to Make it Awesome

This post would be less about bags, and more about their purpose – traveling. And more specifically, to the young at heart – going on a road trip. Road trips give us the opportunity to go off the beaten track, explore the local geography culture more freely, and combine visiting big cities with the adventure of the open roads and the wild nature. Besides, everyone loves that image of the open road, warm breeze, playing 'Born To Be Wild', in their head. For many, a road trip represents the ultimate freedom.  According to statiscticbrain.com, 45% of Americans take a summer...

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5 Things to Consider While Buying a Travel Bag

carry on luggage duffle bag road trip travel

5 Things to Consider While Buying a Travel Bag

Summer is finally here and it's the season to travel! This is the time of the year that offers great opportunity to travel and explore the world. Benjamin Franklin once remarked that nothing is certain but death and taxes. Indeed this is true, but it is equally certain that one of the things that you will need this summer if you intend to travel is a good travel bag. With this in mind here are some tips on how to choose the best travel bag for your needs. 1. Size and weight When it comes to luggage, size and weight...

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The Rise of the Duffle Bag

bags duffle bag leather luggage travel travel bag

The Rise of the Duffle Bag

Duffle bags (also spelled Duffel) got their name from Duffel, a small town in Belgium. That's where the cloth of the original duffle bag, originally used for soldiers, is thought to have originated from in the early years of the 20th century. Contemporary duffels are cylindrical or square shaped bags made from a variety of fabrics ranging from canvas to polyester, leather, and microfiber.  Over the years duffle bags crossed over from strictly utility conveyors in the 60’s, to iconic fashion statements today. From a largely military background, it is now a trendy informal travel bag that still carries out its...

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